• 布鲁斯·格林伍德

    • 性别:未知
    • 职业:未知
    • 星座:狮子座
    • 血型:未知
    • 身高:184 cm
    • 体重:
    • 地区:其它
    • 生日:1956-08-12
    • 出生地:未知
    • 毕业院校:未知
    • 代表作:"Knots Landing",第一滴血,The Climb,赤胆追凶,纳粹隐踪
    影视作品:   星舰迷航/星舰迷航记11......Star Trek(2009) ......Christopher Pike   最后的舞者......Mao's Last Dancer(2009)   The Summit(2008) ......Richard Adderly (2 episodes, 2008)   人造士兵......Cyborg Soldier(2008)......Simon Hart   我不在那儿......I'm Not There(2007) ......Keenan Jones / Garrett   辛辛那提来的约翰......John from Cincinnati(2007)   消防犬......Firehouse Dog(2007)...Connor Fahey   国家宝藏:古籍秘辛......National Treasure: Book of Secrets/国家宝藏:夺宝秘笈/国家宝藏2:秘密之书......National Treasure 2 (2007) ...US President   时空线索/超时空效应......Déjà Vu (2006) ...Jack McCready   南极物语/南极大冒险/零下八度/8只雪橇犬......Eight Below (2006) ...Davis McClaren   The Mermaid Chair (2006) ...Hugh Sullivan   Class of the Titans (2006) ...Chiron Star / ... (8 episodes, 2006)   世上最快的印第安摩托......World's Fastest Indian (2005) ...Jerry   卡波特/凯波特......Capote (2005) ...Jack Dunphy   Saving Milly (2005) ...Mort Kondracke   斑马竞赛/赛场大反攻/斑马快跑......Racing Stripes (2005) ...Nolan Walsh   深湖巨兽......Mee-Shee: The Water Giant(2005)   成为朱莉娅......Being Julia (2004) ...Lord Charles   我, 机器人/智能叛变/机械公敌......I, Robot (2004)...Lawrence Robertson   终极危机......Meltdown(2004)...Agent Tom Shea   生活的选择......The Life(2004) ...Arnie   The Riverman(2004)...Robert Keppel   Robot Revolution: The Making of 'I, Robot' (2004) ...Himself   好莱坞杀人狂/好莱坞重案组......Hollywood Homicide (2003) ...Lt. Bennie Macko   地心浩劫/地心抢险记/地心末日......The Core (2003) ...Cmdr. Robert Iverson   尼斯湖水怪......The Water Giant (2003) ...Sean Cambell   爱情命运......The Republic of Love(2003)...Tom Avery...executive producer   阿拉若山......Ararat (2002) ...Martin Harcourt, actor playing Clarence Ussher   安伯森情史......The Magnificent Ambersons(2002)...Eugene Morgan   浩劫妙冤家......Swept Away(2002)...Anthony 'Tony' Leighton   深层恐惧......Below(2002)...Lt. Brice   尤物......A Girl Thing(2001)...Frank   浩劫天堂......Haven (2001) ...Myles Billingsley   Bringing History to the Silver Screen (2001) ...Himself   Cord (2000) ...Jack   真心实地......Here on Earth (2000) ...Earl Cavanaugh   交战规则......Rules of Engagement (2000) ...National Security Advisor Bill Sokal   十三天/惊爆十三天......Thirteen Days (2000) ...President John F. Kennedy   双重危机/致命追缉令/亡命追凶/双重阴谋......Double Jeopardy (1999) ...Nicholas 'Nick' Parsons   牵手养父情......The Lost Son(1999)...Friedman   The Soul Collector (1999) ...Zacariah   控诉风云......The Color of Courage (1999) ...Benjamin Sipes   骚扰行动......Disturbing Behavior(1998)...Dr. Edward Caldicott   亲密如贼/赌世至尊......Thick as Thieves(1998)...Bo   意外的春天/莫失莫忘......The Sweet Hereafter (1997)   Sleepwalkers(1997)   我有两个爸......Fathers' Day(1997)...Bob Andrews...Billy   Dream Man (1995) ...Tom Cavanaugh   Naomi & Wynonna: Love Can Build a Bridge (1995) ...Larry Strickland   Nowhere Man (1995) ...Thomas Veil (25 episodes, 1995-1996)   性感俱乐部......Exotica (1994) ...Francis Brown   情郎情狼......Bitter Vengeance(1994)...Jack Westford   狂情生化人......Companion, The (1994) ...Geoffrey   荒野追缉......Rio Diablo (1993) ...Jervis Walker   Adrift (1993) ...Nick Terrio   巡弋悍将/乘客......Passenger 57 (1992) ...Stuart Ramsey   Servants of Twilight, The (1991) ...Charlie Harrison   Summer Dreams: The Story of the Beach Boys (1990) ...Dennis Wilson   野兰花......Wild Orchid(1990)...Jerome McFarland   密杀令......Spy (1989) ...Richard Berk   Pursuit (1989) ...SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer Helmut von Schraeder/Daniel Grossman   每一次机会......Another Chance (1989) ...John Ripley   In the Line of Duty: The F.B.I. Murders (1988) ...Agent Jerry Dove   Jake and the Fatman (1987) ...Carson Warfield (2 episodes, 1987)   我爱比基尼......The Malibu Bikini Shop(1986) ...Todd   Danger Bay (1984) ...Jeff Storey / ... (2 episodes, 1986)   第一滴血......First Blood (1982) ...Guardsman #5   波城杏话......St. Elsewhere(1982)   熊胆壮士岛......Bear Island(1979) ...Technician   Huckleberry Finn and His Friends (1979) ...Bob Grangerford (3 episodes, 1980)   


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